The CMD Codes- to use, open up notepad and copy and paste the code into the notepad. name the file (anyname).vbs (to make a .vbs file, when u save it or save as, it will ask u for a name and which type u want it, so choose all file then just name it as a .vbs file) then just click on the file u just made*NOTE* these codes do not stay on forever, they just stay on until the person shuts off the computer....
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Create Ultra Hidden And Unsearchable Folders in Windows...BY dEVENDR@..!!
Posted by Unknown on 12:23 AM
1. Open command prompt.2. Go to the path where the folder is located for ex E:\folder name. Then use the command,attrib +s +h folderNameThis command will turn the folder into hidden, system folder. Since the system folders are invisible and unsearchable, you folder is ultra hidden now. 3. To see the folder again, open command prompt and go to the place where the hidden folder is...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Huge List of VPN Downloads & Proxy DeVeNdR@...!!!!
Posted by Unknown on 1:02 AM
What is a VPN?VPN stands for virtual private network. A VPN keeps your wireless communications safe by creating a secure "tunnel," though which your encrypted data travels. These tunnels cannot be entered by data that is not properly encrypted. Not only is data encrypted when you use a VPN, but the originating and receiving network addresses are also encrypted. This adds an...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
How to Hack a computer using Metasploits & nmaps ? By:Devendra
Posted by Unknown on 4:39 AM
Metasploit is one of the greatest Hacking tools ever. It makes the hacking easy for the Script Kiddies (new hackers). But Question comes How to use it to hack a computer?Metasploit Framework comes in command-line as well as GUI version. This article will deal with the command-line version. Followings are the basic commands of Metasploit that you should Learn by Heart.1: help (show the commands.)2: show...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Posted by Unknown on 8:24 PM
pen a dos prompt we will only need a dos prompt , and windows xp�-Basics-Opening a dos prompt -> Go to start and then execute and writecmd and press okNow insert this command: netAnd you will get something like thisNET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP |HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION |SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER...
Posted in Tricks
Friday, March 4, 2011
Posted by Unknown on 9:26 AM

1.First Find a sql infected site (website vulnerable for injection)2-Open havij and copy and paste infected link as shown in figure 3. Then It shows some messages there....Be alert on it and be show patience for sometime to find it's vulernable and type of injection and if db server is mysql and it will find database name.Then after get it's database is name like xxxx_xxxx4.Then...
Posted in Website hacking
Thursday, March 3, 2011
TOP 10 hackers of world ..........wid a criminal record...!!!!
Posted by Unknown on 3:40 AM
In today�s world, technology is definitely the way of doing well�everything. You can watch T.V. online, listen to music online, bank, shop, give yourself a virtual makeover and even order food. As great as technology is, especially computers and the Internet, there are down falls. Some claim that with the invention of the Internet, computers, and television, society as...
Posted in Hackerz info
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