Friday, December 28, 2012

Free mobile Sms bomber For Android phones

Bomb your friends with alot of SMS in a short periodFeatures- Unlimit number of text- Flood multiple contacts- Cancel button- No delay or periodically send- Remember last config- Easily select contacts- Counter to make sms differently- Add counter to (press menu/Counter) into each text- Download Anti SMS Bomber before bombarding :)Download & Install

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Checkout  my previous tut about what is java drive and how to setup a java driveHere is the tutorial how to  clone any webpage and turn into a javadrive:Download required files from h...
What is a Java drive ?A Java Drive-By is a Java Applet that is coded in Java and is put on a website. Once you click "Run" on the pop-up, it will download a program off the internet. This program can be a virus or even a simple downloader. If you'd like to get the source code or wanna know more information about a Java Drive-By, use Google.Here is a detailed video tutorial...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Indian hacking crew Team indi hex has made there come back after many they  have given payback to BD hacker for hacking ICP website!Hackers from team indihex  D_intrud3r , Un_n0n Antil0g defaced several websites.including bangladesh website as a payback !!!Previoiusly hackers of Team indi hex also took down more than 5000 websites of bangladesh , which...

Friday, September 21, 2012

As requested by few of you i decided to make this small tutorial on how to hack a wordpress site that has an SQLi in this video tutorial for more help:So lets begin.I will use this 0day by JoinSeventh.First of all we need to find a vulnerable page.We enter this in Google:Code:# Dork 1 (config.php)inurl:"/wp-content/plugins/hd-webplayer/config.php?id="# Dork...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

i have shared the same tut last year but i feel a video tut will be more better !!watch this video tutorialwith this trick you can send messages from your friends id  to any one on facebook !...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

                                                  Crack the codeReverse engineering is basically the reverse process of Engineering. Software reverse engineering involves reversing a program�s machine code (the string of 0s and 1s that are sent to the...

Friday, July 13, 2012

                               This is a very simple remote file upload exploit on drupal in which you can upload defaces,jpgs,php,asp,shell.asp;me ..etcetcGoogle Dorks : inurl:"/imce?dir=" intitle:"File Browser"exploit : Shell...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

1.Go to fb.maherhackers.com2.Login with your Facebook Account3.Just filll out the details as you want your post to be posted4.After fillling columns Click on POST as given in the above screen shot.Caution: you will be blocked by fb if you will use this app continously without stoppin...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Watch video tut on youtube : link : passwrd :