Friday, January 27, 2012

Procedure to Attack A Victim With SET 

video Tut: watch on youtube :

email hacking via backtrack 5 social engineering toolkit (phishing attack).

Only For Educational Purpose

Download Avast pro trial from  its official website

Then Download his liscense file from Hereafter installing trial verion ,doubleclick on this file and press ok to insert then update ur antivirus it will take few time & then u will be liscenced till september or more
enjoyy :))

Monday, January 23, 2012

OS required Linux-backtrack

1. Get the reaver
- wget
2. Extract and compile it.
- tar xzvf reaver-1.3.tar.gz
- cd reaver-1.3/src
- ./configure 
- make
- make install

3. Change your wireless card to monitor mode
- airmon-ng start wlan0

4. Use reaver
- reaver -i mon0 -b <mac_address_wireless_access_point>

5. Waiting beacon from Wireless Access Point and finally you will found the key!!!

How To Crack Kaspersky antivirus manually


At first, Delete any old key (if there is a key in kaspersky)

B. Now, Disable Self Defense (Go to Settings, In Option, Turn off Self Defense and Click Ok )

C. Now, Goto Start menu, Click Run and Type "regedit". Go to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\protected\AVP9\environment(For 32bit OS: - windows xp or vista or windows 7)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\protected\AVP9\environment(For 64bit OS: - windows xp or vista or windows 7)

D. Now, Right look for PCID and right click and modify three or four last numbers or letters, a example is : (8F10C22F-6EF6-4378-BAB1-34722F6D454)and enter any other three-letter, four-number and close Registry Editor Now.

E. Go to Taskbar and Right Click the kaspersky Icon and click Exit.

F. Go to start programs and open kaspersky. when you activate searching trial license and you have a new license key for month.

G. Go to kaspersky settings and Enable (turn on) Self Defense.

After 30 days, when your license expire, go to step 1 to 7 and get a new 30 days license from kaspersky server automatically.

this is a tricks what is done a few minutes and give you a new trial license. so it is better to find a license key.

There may be situations when you may get stucked in 

watching 18+ videos without registration. Here is a 

simple solution to bypass that. In this article i will show 

you how to bypass youtube restriction. 

Step 1:

On the video you want to view, get the video code from 
the URL.


O07u7KdRVo0 would be the video code in this case.

Step 2

Now add the video code to the following link:*VIDEO CODE HERE*?



Step 3

Now, go to that link and you will be able to view it 

without logging in or being over 18

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Our FUDDING tool requirements and download links.

First of course an AV what I am going to be using is AVAST the free edition.

File splitter to split our servers to find out where the virus signature is to modify it.

Best hex editor I have found and its free of charge.

Now lets begin.

Now go grab the server you want to edit mine is going to be a Spyrex keylogger server you can use any keylogger server like neptune,ardamax,elite..etcetc.

Before we begin turn AV off.
You result may vary on AV your using. 

Now place you server in a folder I recommend naming it A trust me on this. Now my server name is test.exe.

Okay now once you have placed the server in a file lets scan it.
OMG it got caught 


Ok now where to start open The File Splitter and Calc.exe to split the  file.
the file splitter browse to the server you want to split and choose
Custom size. Now it tells me that this server is exactly 53,495 bytes
and I want to split it into 4 pieces. So I go to Calc and divide it by 4
now place the number you got after dividing it and place it in the
splitter custom size box like I have at the bottom. Now click on Split.


Now you should get the files in the same directory like I have below.

Now scan each of them to figure out witch file we have to split again.
 Now once you have figured it out make a new folder named the part
number that was detected now I got part 3 so I'm gonna make a new folder
named 3 . 

Now I
hope you didn't close file splitter if so reopen it and browse to
test.exe.3 to split and change the output folder to 3 like I have in the
picture below. We are also going to split this file into 4 pieces again
so open up Calc and divide by 4.
I made a drawing on this if your confused 

Now you should have this inside folder named 3.


scan each file again to figure out witch file we need to split but also
be aware of how small the file is getting. Once you figure out witch
file needs splitting make a new folder with the parts name. I got part
test.exe.3.3 so I am going to make a new folder and name it 3.


once you made new folder named 3 open up file splitter and browse to
the file that got detected mine was test.exe.3.3 and pick the output
directory to the folder we just made witch was the folder named 3.

browse to the new folder and scan the new files we split. As you can
see test.exe.3.3.4 was detected so I'm gonna make a new folder and name
it 4.


Now in file splitter pick the file that got detected witch was test.exe.3.3.4 and choose the new folder we made named 4.


 Now lets scan the new files and see witch got detected ocne we find it open it up with the HEX editor and see if its still to big to figure out what we need to change.


Ok so it's test. that we need to edit do open it up with your favorite hex editor or use the one I provided earlier. Once you open it it will look something like this.

the virus signature is in here don't get scared its not that hard now
my method of figuring it is looking for something that stands out or
guesssing. All you really have to do is change a letter from capital to a
lower case one now what worked for me was changing D to a lower case
from the word DLLHOOKSTRUCT. 

Congratz now its FUD now all you need to do it compile it and scan it one more time and run it to test.

Now compiling I will show you one example and you can figure out the rest by your own.

Now you see the splitter icon inside your folder click on it and it will recompile the file.



once you made that file copy it and go back one directory and past it 
then it will ask you to replace it click yes and keep doing this till 
you go back to first directory. And your done.


I really hope you learn something this took me like 3 hours.