Increase System Speed By Using a PEN DRIVE!

Most of the time, people who have less than 1GB ram are thinking of buying an additional RAM to make their System F@ster. But what if You can make Your ram 3GB or 4GB without spending a single penny?
Ya its possible. If You Have a Pen Drive/ Or memory Card. and even if you don't have, its a lot cheaper than at least a RAM. So enough chit chat. going to the topic.
Just Download the software " ebbostr " from the below link. FREE! The trial version never expires. only it can be used 4hours until next reboot. you can again use it for four hours once you reboot. And i think 4 hours in a row is quite a good deal.
Download Eboostr /
Most of the time, people who have less than 1GB ram are thinking of buying an additional RAM to make their System F@ster. But what if You can make Your ram 3GB or 4GB without spending a single penny?
Ya its possible. If You Have a Pen Drive/ Or memory Card. and even if you don't have, its a lot cheaper than at least a RAM. So enough chit chat. going to the topic.
Just Download the software " ebbostr " from the below link. FREE! The trial version never expires. only it can be used 4hours until next reboot. you can again use it for four hours once you reboot. And i think 4 hours in a row is quite a good deal.
Download Eboostr /
- Launch Applications Faster - Loading time improves
- Boot and Work Faster - Windows load faster by significantly reducing the time computer needs to boot.
- No Hardware Upgrades - No need to spend money on additional hardware
- Utilize Available RAM Better - like SuperFetch solution it makes use of wasted free RAM to store frequently accessed files and data.
- Improves overall responsiveness
- Makes your system run smoother.
How to Use it:
1. Install it and open eboostr CONTROL PANEL.
2. Click Add.
3. Select your Pen Drive
4. Change the cache size. Normally it is enough to set your cache size for 4GB more than 16GB no sense.
5. Click ok
It will ask your permission to start building cache in your PEN DRIVE. Click OK. After the building has been done. you are ready to use it.
INCREASE UR RAM..!!.Use Your Pen Drive/ Memory Card, as an additional RAM!