Hey guyzz today i m writing a small post on bypassing a keylogger , i found many of my friends asking me that , how to bypass a keylooger? if installed in any computer which we are unkown as now a days evry body uses keyloggers , hidden trojans/servers, to spy on each nd evry activity on us . so, with this trick u can confuse a key logger to read the correct keystrokes.

lets move on to the main part.
1. Whenever u type a password on a webpage to access ur account first of all never write the full password.
say for example i m taking a password DEVENDRA.
first thing u should type is ENDR. now second thing keep ur hands off from the keybord nd just put your cursor back to the starting of password only with mouse nd type DEV, now aagain do d same thing nd take your cursor to d last place nd type A . now u can see d password is correctly entered in the block ie "DEVENDRA" but the keylogger will read the keystrokes as ENDRDEVA. lolzz
using such type of method we can confuse /fool the keylogger nd the one who sypies on you.
2.Additionally ,you can also use spaces with you passwords as spaces are not readable. Use 2-3 spaces after or in the end (as prefix) for all your passwords. Gmail, yahoo , Facebook & so many other services supports spaces in password field.
so, just use certain methods like this nd m sure u will easily bypass keyloggers .
thanxx for reading the article , have a nyc day..:).!!!
lets move on to the main part.
1. Whenever u type a password on a webpage to access ur account first of all never write the full password.
say for example i m taking a password DEVENDRA.
first thing u should type is ENDR. now second thing keep ur hands off from the keybord nd just put your cursor back to the starting of password only with mouse nd type DEV, now aagain do d same thing nd take your cursor to d last place nd type A . now u can see d password is correctly entered in the block ie "DEVENDRA" but the keylogger will read the keystrokes as ENDRDEVA. lolzz
using such type of method we can confuse /fool the keylogger nd the one who sypies on you.
2.Additionally ,you can also use spaces with you passwords as spaces are not readable. Use 2-3 spaces after or in the end (as prefix) for all your passwords. Gmail, yahoo , Facebook & so many other services supports spaces in password field.
so, just use certain methods like this nd m sure u will easily bypass keyloggers .
thanxx for reading the article , have a nyc day..:).!!!
How to bypass a keylogger, by fooling it.?