Hey guyzz..every body uses software keyloggers,but they are detected by antiviruses tough they have remote portability but , today i am going share some information about hardware keyloggers which are device that are attached to CPU plugs nd it is completely undetectable for a victim so let us discuss about Hardware keyloggers.

A software keylogger (or simple keylogger) is a stealthcomputer program that captures every keystroke entered through the keyboard.
Now I�ll tell you what a hardware keylogger is and how it can be used for hacking an emails.

Hardware Keyloggers are used for keystroke logging, a method of capturing and recording computer user keystrokes. They plug in between a computer keyboard and a computerand log all keyboard activity to an internal memory. They are designed to work with PS/2 keyboards, USB keyboards and more recently with WIFI Keyboards. Ahardware keylogger appears simply as a USB pendrive(thumb drive) or any other computer peripheral so that the victims can never doubt that it is a keylogger. So by looking at its appearence it is not possible to identify it as a keylogger. Here are some of the images of hardware keyloggers for your convenience.
So by looking at the above image we came to know that hardware keyloggers look just like any USB, PS/2 orWIFI device. So it is very hard to identify it as a keylogger.
Installing a Hardware Keylogger to Hack the Email Password: -
The hardware keylogger must be installed between thekeyboard plug and the USB, PS/2 or WIFI port socket. That is you have to just plug in the keylogger to your keyboard�s plug (PS/2, USB or WIFI) and then plug it to the PC socket. The following image shows how the keylogger is installed.

Advantages of Hardware Keylogger: -
� As a user's technical knowledge increases and weaknesses insoftware become well known, software keylogger become less effective. But in hardware keylogger victim never doubt becoz itscomputer peripheral.
� Software keyloggers is always detected by antivirus but its not happen in hardware keylogger.
� Easy to install in a few seconds! Simply plug it in.
� It records every keystroke, even those typed in the critical period between computer switch on and the operating systembeing loaded.
� No software installation is necessary to record or retrieve keystrokes.
� Hardware Keylogger works with any Pc, operating system, and stores a continuous log even across multiple operating systems on one computer.
� Impossible to detect and/or disable by using software scanners.
� It is a very user-friendly keylogger which can be easily used even by those with little computer knowledge. It has a very simple operation for such a powerful tool. Simply plug the key logger device into the keyboard cable.
� The log in the KeyGhost cannot be tampered with. It is an authentic record of what was typed, and therefore, it may be used as strong evidence in a court of law.
so guyzz if you like these hardware keyloggers then you have to spent some money...:P:P:P
letme help you with it :
got to these website they sell hardware keyloggers visit :- http://www.keyghost.com/ andhttp://www.keydemon.com/
letme help you with it :
got to these website they sell hardware keyloggers visit :- http://www.keyghost.com/ andhttp://www.keydemon.com/
How to hack facebook,yahoo,gmail, accounts by hardware keyloggers [fully undetectable]