Hey guyzz as you know many newbies are finding difficulties to hack facebook accounts through facebook phishing.because facebook scam filters are very secured now they block phishing just after u send the url to victim & phisher gets detected.
this post is for those who think that facebook cant be hacked through phishing now,but no one can save facebook from phishing.
you can visit my previous post of facebook phishing which worked for almost every one:
How Can I Hack A Facebook Account With Smart Facebook Phishing.....100%working by devendr@..!!!
Here i will share a tut how to hack facebook through indirect phishing. that means i wil tel you there is no need to phish facebook of victim you can phish Email id of the victim .then through email id we will hack facebook account its very easy just follow these simple instructions:
1.)First step we will find the email Id[it can be yahoo,gmaill,hotmail,AOl..etc] of victim which may be available at the info tab of his/her facebook profile.
2.)make phisher[fake login page according to the mail id]
you goto this link & see how to make your own fake login page:
How to setup your own phisher/fake login page?[noobs friendly]
3.) now u have to become a good social engineer to trap your victim to enter username & passwrd into the fake login pgae without getting caught:D it depends upon you.
4.)after compromising Email ID through phishing first change the victim passwrd & security question so that he cannot recompromise it again.
5.)Now here Our trick lies that goto www.facebook.com enter victims gmail id & any random password. here i will take Email id as victim@gmail.com
6.) Now facebook will respond wrong username password. now you will see a button request a new one ,see in the screen shots. click on it.
7. then you will be redirected ta verification page which says enter your email id , enter victims email id on it.
8.then click on search,enter captcha.
9.) check there the profile of victim there may be 2-3 profiles click on the one which is our victim "this is my account".
10.)then click on send verification links & code to gmail id.

11.)TADAA!!! goto gmail ibox u will find a facebook password recover link now recover your passwrd ..
12)thats it you have hacked your victim without actually phishing the facebook..
so guuyzz i hope you liked my Tut please comment if u got any query :)..!!!!
with regards Devendra
NOTE: When ever your make a account on free php webhosting dont upload your phisher just after making account,w8 for 2-3 days this wiill give a good life to your account .
How to hack facebook+Email account through Indirect phishing [Tut] | 100% Working