Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anonymous-OS 0.1 : Anonymous Hackers released their own Operating System 

Yes! Its true,  Anonymous Hackers released their own Operating System with name "Anonymous-OS", is Live is an ubuntu-based distribution and created under Ubuntu 11.10 and uses Mate desktop. You can create the LiveUSB with Unetbootin.

Pre-installed apps on Anonymous-OS:
- ParolaPass Password Generator
- Find Host IP
- Anonymous HOIC
- Ddosim
- Pyloris
- Slowloris
- TorsHammer
- Sqlmap
- Havij
- Sql Poison
- Admin Finder
- John the Ripper
- Hash Identifier
- Tor
- XChat IRC
- Pidgin
- Vidalia
- Polipo
- JonDo
- i2p
- Wireshark
- Zenmap
�and more

Download Anonymous-OS 0.1Warning : It is not developed by any Genuine Source, can be backdoored OS by any Law enforcement Company or Hacker. You at your own Risk.


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