Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How To Upload Custom Templates On Blogger

By opening a new blog with blogger you will be asked to choose a web template from their default directory or upload a custom template from your hard drive.
how to install
A web template is actually a pre-designed graphical web structure. A complete template comes with everything except your website contents and photos. anyone who have some knowledge about web design or programming can easily modify a web template. you can also make a new template using adobe or other programs.

Don't panic! if you don't have any idea about web design or template customization  because you will get a lots of cool and beautiful customized template out their to free download or buy from internet.

So, however if you do have a custom template for your blog, here I am showing you how to upload a custom template on blogger.

Step 1: Sign in to your blogger account.

Step 2: Go to Template tab.
click template tab
Click on Template
Step 3: Click Backup/Restore > Browse for you template > click Upload.
restore button
Click Restore
browse and upload
Click Browse & Upload

Step 4: Preview your template. if everything is all right then click Save Template.
save template
Preview then Save

Please don't forget to ask me if you have any question or problem!

Thank you.


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