Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How To Add Meta Tags On Blogger HTML Page!

What is meta tags, why does it important? And how to add meta tags on your blogger HTML page? By reading this post, you will be cleared about those questions.
adding meta tags to blogger
Meta tags are the tag section that describes your website to search engines. When search engines trying to read about your site they hit this meta section of your page first and shows whatever they found to your visitors on search pages.

If you do not add meta tags on your site HTML page then search engines will not have any details about your site to index with your site URL. Most popular search engines like Google, bing, yahoo, etc doesn’t like sites without meta information.

Search engines will ignore your site as much as possible if you don’t have a complete meta section for your web site on its HTML page.

Meta section could’ve include information like: site title, keywords, language, authors data, etc. but Description and Keyword Tags are most important to search engines. Meta tags could be found between <head> and </head> section.

Let’s see how to add meta tags to blogger:

Step 1: Go to your blogger Edit HTML page. Backup your old template before any customization!!

Step 2: Press Ctrl+F and find this bellow code/line on your HTML page.

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> 

Step 3: Now copy the bellow codes and past immediately bellow/after the above code. Customize red indicated sections with your won site description, keywords, and author name.

<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>

<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>

<meta content='AUTHOR NAME' name='author'/>

Step 4: Preview your template, if everything is OK then Save your template.

Note: search engines could have take few hours or days to update your meta descriptions on search page.

Still confused? no problem. let me handle your problem! just write down your problem in the comment section.


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